The story of Kidz Cove Academy begins with our own son. When he was younger, he was a bright student who excelled in every area from academics to extracurricular activities. While he was an honor roll student he struggled to read at the same level as his peers.
Immediate action had to be taken when we discovered that he would fail high school due to his inability to pass the Florida standardized test (FSA).
We helped our son improve his reading with intense tutoring. Our son graduated high school and had since earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree. We realized the local public-school system could be doing so much more for scholars like our son and decided to act. Kidz Cove Academy was then established.
Kidz Cove Academy became our focus. Today we serve children all over the Tampa, Florida region with high-quality education and individualized learning. We want every child to succeed and become critical thinkers while being educated in a brain friendly environment.
Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help your child thrive!
At Kidz Cove Academy, we have a love for education. We want every student to have the best shot at academic success and a bright future. We do this by providing: